Belgian Endive and Ham Gratin

Sometimes you rediscover an old childhood favorite completely by accident. Recently, I was sitting in my office, surrounded by hundreds of old French cookbooks, thinking about what I was going to cook when one book beckoned me over. It had been a while since I last read Anne Willan's comprehensive cookbook 'The Country Cooking of France'. As I flipped through the pages, it felt like I was looking through a cherished family album of childhood dishes. I stopped on one, her version of the French family classic, endive and ham gratin. It evoked vivid memories of my own mother making this dish for me as a small child. Instantly I was transported back to our old kitchen painted a beautiful hue of orange with hand-painted Provencal blue tiles covering the floor. With my eyes closed, I savored the wonderful smells of my French mother's cooking.

I found myself licking my lips and instantly decided to make this creamy gratin for my son just like my mom did, with just a bit too much sauce and crispy cheese crusted on the sides. At first, Beau was skeptical and only tried one little spoonful. I left the table and returned to watch him sneaking more bites out of the gratin dish, especially the crispy, melted cheese parts I used to love. It felt as though life had gone full circle.

Endive is the perfect winter vegetable. It grows in dark rooms, devoid of light. When exposed to light, the yellow leaves turn green and begin to get a bitter taste. This is a good way to judge how long Belgian endive has been sitting on your grocery store's shelves. Gruyere cheese is classic, but try mixing it up with different cheeses like a sharp white cheddar.

Click here to see a video of the gratin being made.

Make this wonderful gratin this weekend.

Belgian Endive and Ham Gratin

A creamy vegetable gratin that works well with any meal.

Pre-cook the endive

  • 6 each Belgian endive

  • 2 tablespoons butter

  • 1 teaspoon sugar

  • to taste sea salt and black pepper

Making the bechamel sauce

  • 3 tablespoons butter

  • 2 tablespoons flour

  • 1.5 cups milk

  • a few grates of nutmeg

To finish the gratin

  • 6 slices ham

  • 1/4 cup cheese, Gruyere, cheddar, Swiss (grated)

Pre-cook the endive

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generously butter a 5X9 gratin dish.

  2. Trim the bottom ends off the endive and any outer leaves that are discolored. The endive should be very white with hints of yellow. If there is green then it has been exposed to light and will be more bitter.

  3. Season with sugar, sea salt, and black pepper, cover with aluminum foil, and roast for one hour.

Making the bechamel sauce

  1. While the endive is roasting: Melt butter in a 2-quart saucepan. Whisk in flour and continue cooking over very low heat for five minutes, stirring constantly. Whisk in milk and cook over medium heat until thickened about 5 minutes—season to taste with salt, pepper, and a few grates of nutmeg.

To finish the gratin

  1. Wrap each endive in one slice of ham and put it back into your gratin dish.

  2. Cover with sauce and grated cheese, and bake for 30 minutes, or until bubbling and hot. Enjoy with roasted meats, chicken, or a big green salad.


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